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Showing posts from February, 2022

📝 Weekly Report #23

✏️ Have taken some time this week to look at ways of improving my own learning and formulating my own ideas in a much more effective way. This has lead me to the idea of using a Second Brain. Lots of YouTubers currently use the idea of second brains to store information they have read about or learnt and then be able to retrieve it and use it as content for their videos. It's pretty much a searchable sub conscious. Imagine all the quotes and ideas you have ever read about, stored electronically and searchable. It allows you to make lots of links between all of your stored ideas and retrieve them whenever you need them. I am currently in the process of formulating my own system using OneNote, personal preference, but there are lots of different options for your own system. Be sure to check out the following video for more on using a Second Brain.  📚 Peps Mcrea twitter thread on how to minimise distractions.  📚 James Clear article about commitment. Fully commit to the proces...

📝 Weekly Report #22

I've been on two job interviews this week, unfortunately both unsuccessful, but it had me thinking about interview lessons. I'd like to think I am confident in my ability to teach my classes and am confident in my own subject knowledge. However when in an interview lesson, the habits and culture you have grown over time with your classes are gone. Any reputation you have gained in your school is instantly gone. You don't have the prior knowledge of each student. You may not even have the same technology you would normally use. You are back to being a novice. I am unsure how beneficial these interviews lessons are and that actually would we be better off seeing a number of lessons over time? It would allow the school to identify trends in your teaching, the habits and routines you have in place and the relationships you build up.  Obviously I understand that in reality this is very difficult to actually do. I do think though that the interviewing school must take this into c...

📝 Weekly Report #21

The trainee teacher in our department has started to teach my Year 10 group this week. It has taken me back to when I was training and the struggles that I had and the feedback my mentor would give me. One thing I didn't consider back then was how the class teacher feels who I was taking over from.  I know that as a trainee I was no where near being an amazing teacher but over time I have continually improved. So it has been a struggle for me to allow the trainee to teach my class thinking that there would be aspects that I know I could deliver much better. On the flip side of this it has been great to learn from him by watching him teach and being able to give small steps to improve for next time. The initial focus has been on general pedagogy, e.g. use of questioning, planning for misconceptions etc. It's made me reflect on my own teaching ensuring I don't just talk it, I walk the walk too! I've also enjoyed seeing the improvements he has been able to make lesson on l...

Plan to fail in order to succeed

You spend most of your lesson teaching your class how to multiply fractions. You model multiple examples on the board. Students are set some questions to complete to practice their learning. But, you notice students are confusing adding fractions with multiplying fractions. There is errors all across the room. Your midway through your lesson. Laptop connected to the projector showing your examples to the class. Your about to go though your them and... Laptop dies. All of your planning is gone. 30 students looking at you. Getting agitated. You start sweating. Panicking. 30 minutes to go.  You have an idea of what to do to improve teaching and learning at your school. You introduce your team to a new way of teaching. Your bubbling with excitement to see its impact. However, a few weeks pass and you notice the rest of your team have reverted back to their old ways. Your idea is a thing of the past. It is spoken about as another fad that has come and gone in education.  "Many goal...

📝 Weekly Report #20

I've tried to focus my time this week on improving my own writing. I watched a really good video on YouTube, link below, that forced me to reflect on my own writing. I recognise that my weekly reports may have some good ideas in however I need to ensure they are interesting add useful to the reader. No one is bothered by hearing about what I've learnt, they are more interested in how it can affect themselves. I've recognised that my weekly report has been a really nice space for me to journal each week and put ideas on paper but I want to start making them leap to putting higher quality content out there.  I'm going to put more thought into my own writing so that my actual blog posts are useful and interesting to the reader. Fingers crossed, they then start to change how the reader thinks and acts. 🔊 Listen: Bear Grylls on High performance podcast. Write out your goals, embrace failure and learn from it to achieve success, do your best, set an example for others 100% o...