👨🏫 Teaching : Have done a lot of thinking this week about the tasks I set students. Mark McCourt put a wonderful tweet out listing the different parts of a learning sequence for students. See tweet here . It nicely puts into words some of the ideas I was thinking about myself. I then also listened to Craig Barton's podcast with Tom Francombe and they spoke about giving students tasks that distract their attention but have them practicing the skill taught in the lesson. From this I have been writing tasks and noticing other tweets with exercises on that distract student thinking. So for the next half term one of my focus points is on creating and regularly using these distraction tasks in lesson. 🔊 Listen : Walter Isaacson on the Knowledge project discussing Creativity. He talks about how some of the most creative people of all time, Davinci etc, immersed themselves in learning as much as they could and then linking things together. So tying the art knowledge to his engineering...