👨🏫 Teaching:
Last week of this term complete! Time for a well deserved week off, and I mean a week off! No emails, no marking, no work. When I'm away from school that is my time to recharge and enjoy spending time with my family. I will still be reading, listening to podcasts/audiobooks and watching videos to further develop my teaching but that is because I enjoy it not because I am forced to.
We've had a number of staff absences this term putting a strain on our department that my HOD and myself have been dealing with. We've had classes doubled up so students are still receiving the same great teaching and fortunately our behaviour system has meant that lessons continue to be disruption free.
We finished the term with a training day wh were we were given a nice chunk of time in our departments to focus on improving what we are already doing.
Time for a week to recharge ready for next term!
🔊 Listen:
Logan Aldridge: Shattering Expectations on Trained by Nike. Logan lost his arm in a boating accident when he was younger. He didn't let this stop him though. He has shown incredible resilience to smash the views a lot of people had of him. It shows how if you don't listen to the haters you can also shatter your expectations. Have a listen here.
🔊 Listen:
Barry Smith explaining Shape, Slant and Steps. Clear explanations and high standards, need to be explained and followed up by every teacher in the school not just some. These 3 acronyms, when applied consistently, can make a huge difference to students behaviour and attitude. Listen to him here.
📚 Read:
Blog post by Dani Quinn. Whether we actually Check for understanding and what understanding actually means, are we just teaching and checking procedural knowledge? Check it out on the following link.