👨🏫 Teaching:
I had my first observation/coaching conversation of the year with the teaching and learning lead in our leadership team this week. She came and observed a year 11 lesson on solving quadratics. For this group it was the culmination of a number of lessons expanding brackets, graphing quadratics and factorising quadratics. Coaching is a fantastic way to continually improve and I find it great to have those conversations discussing how to improve. I find it more beneficial that we can talk about my specific classes and supporting those students rather than just generic ways of improving. I look forward to my next observation to continue getting better each lesson, each day.
🔊 Listen:
The Knowledge Project podcast by Shane Parrish speaking to Nir Eyal about mastering indistraction. Really interesting listen, Nir talks about how the more we get distracted the more we convince ourselves that it's ok and it becomes who we are, a distracted person. We need to stop this flow and be attracted to the work we need to complete. Have a listen to the rest here.
📚 Read:
Almost finished Mastery by Robert Greene, one of the parts that resonated with me was regarding Mentors. Greene highlights the importance of mentors and picking the right one to accelerate your learning. He says "Mentors do not give you a shortcut but they streamline the process". Grab yourself a copy here.
📺 Watch:
I recently discovered the BecomingX channel on YouTube. Successful people from athletes to actors to magicians sit down and talk through the struggles and sacrifices they've had to make to become the person they are today. Really inspiring watches, I particularly enjoyed Roger Federers, check his out here.