I have been utilising ratio tables more and more in my lessons at the moment and it has given me a bit of a realisation.
If I am teaching a topic where I want to show students and additive relationship between values e.g. how adding 10% and 5% gives 15% then I will use bar modelling to show this.
If I want to show a multiplicative relationship then I will use ratio tables. E.g. 10% X 1.5 = 15%.
Obviously there are certain scenarios where one would be more beneficial than the other. But if I strip my teaching right down to the essentials I feel that these two representations allow me to demonstrate to students most concepts they will come across in Secondary School
I am in the process of writing a series of posts in how I use ratio tables so keep an eye out for it. In the mean time, the following thread is a great start from Sam Blatherwick.
High performance podcast with Scotland Football Manager Steve Clarke. One quote in particular stood out for me "don't play with the fear of failure, play with the anticipation of success." Listen here.
📚 Read:
The importance of rules in the classroom. Ian Leslie uses Michaela Community School and Dixons Trinity Academy to highlight how they can help disadvantaged students in particular. Read the article here.