Pressure and Density (like Speed) is not taught very well!
Pressure and Density have a proportional relationship that can be modelled effectively using a Ratio table, just like Speed. Below are some examples:
Q: A cylinder has a mass of 270g. It has a density of 3g/cm^3. Find the volume of the cylinder
Q: An object is placed on the ground and exerts a force of 3000N on an area of 4m². Work out its pressure on the ground.
Ratio tables become more effective when combining compound measure. It can help give students a frame for their workings. My class were able to answer questions similar to this with no mention of a triangle or even a formula!
Compound Measures are a great example of an area of Maths that is often taught at a surface level using formula triangles. For students to gain a greater understanding of the relationships between mass-volume, distance-time and force-area use a ratio table.